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Puppet stories (2014)

(A couple of stories before departure)     

Evgeny Ibragimov is a successful Caucasian puppet director who spent most of his life travelling with his family and his dolls to numerous countries in order to direct his plays for both children and adult audiences.

Now this acute foreigner, a permanent outsider, is about to move again, this time away from Tallinn, Estonia where he spent his last three years in forming and restructuring The Nuku Theatre (The Estonian Puppet Theatre) which became one of the best theatres in the country.


Evgeny enjoyed his work and wished to settle in Estonia permanently, but his dream collapsed when his boss told him that he was no longer needed. This cheerful but impulsive and extroverted man's preparation for departure is burdened with unresolved conflicts and marked by obstacles his boss sets before him. It is a story which starts at its end, a story in which this puppeteer pulls out various strings of the past in order to find his way to a closure.


Maša Drndić  & Inese Tikmane
Eva Kubar
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